April 15, 2016
SALT LAKE CITY -- Long-time conservative activist Tom Hoefling was in Salt Lake City Friday night, to address delegates at the Constitution Party national convention.
Hoefling began his remarks with the state motto of South Dakota: “Under God, the people rule.” In earlier American times, Hoefling said, “it was understood that in this country, the people are sovereign under God.” He said we need to remember “who is in charge.”
A current and former candidate for president, Hoefling is the founder of America’s Party. He said the people in the room represent a wider body of people.
“We have to pull together all of the decent, sincere patriots in this country,” he said, as he called for unity.
Hoefling focused his remarks on abortion. He said the Republican Party had failed to properly handle this critical issue. Republican and Democrat policies have “betrayed the principles of the Declaration of Independence,” he said, “that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator.”
“Tomorrow, [Americans] will kill another three to four thousand babies in this country,” he said.
“We have to explain this to people, that equal protection under the law is required, by the principles of our national charter, the Declaration; by all the stated purposes of the Constitution, and by its explicit provisions; and by the provisions of all of our state constitutions.”
“They all require equal protection,” said Hoefling.
After his speech, Hoefling received questions from the audience. One question was asked about the fundraising of America’s Party. Hoefling said the party had long ago changed its policy on donations. The party had stopped accepting donations so that it could focus on volunteer work.
Tom Hoefling is one of eight candidates in Salt Lake City vying for the Constitution Party presidential nomination. The party will make its choice for president and vice president on Saturday.