America's Party Presidential Nominee Tom Hoefling on the Manning Report - September 26, 20129/28/2012 "The phenomenon of millions of people voting for what they say they hate, solely out of abject fear of a 'greater evil,' is in fact the destruction of the whole idea of constitutional, republican, REPRESENTATIVE self-government. In other words, it signals the demise of the United States of America."
-- Tom Hoefling, Sept. 24, 2012 "The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government. Modern times have the signal advantage, too, of having discovered the ONLY device by which these rights can be secured, to wit: government by the people, acting not in person, but BY REPRESENTATIVES chosen by themselves..." -- Thomas Jefferson, Letter to A. Coray, 1823 Tom Hoefling for President 2012
July 27, 2012 For Immediate Release Contact: [email protected] Sacramento, CA - America's Party presidential nominee Tom Hoefling has accepted the invitation of the American Independent Party of California to participate in three debates with candidates vying for their 2012 presidential nomination. The dates for the three debates have been set for Wednesday August 1st, Saturday August 4th, and Tuesday August 7th. While these will be evening events, the exact start times have not yet been announced. All three debates will be broadcast live on web radio. Please watch and for additional information and a live link which will be provided as soon as it becomes available. Reportedly, as of this evening, four candidates have agreed to participate: Tom Hoefling of America's Party, Virgil Goode of the Constitution Party, Will Christensen of the Independent American Party, and Ed Noonan of the American Independent Party. The first debate will address principles, the second will focus on domestic policy, and the third will deal with foreign policy. Tom Hoefling stands with Arizona, in defense of the People, the States, and the first Law of Nature6/26/2012 "Among the natural rights of the Colonists are these: First, a right to life; Secondly, to liberty; Thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can. These are evident branches of, rather than deductions from, the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature."
-- Samuel Adams, The Rights of the Colonists, The Report of the Committee of Correspondence to the Boston Town Meeting, Nov. 20, 1772 America's Party 2012 presidential nominee Tom Hoefling responded today to the Supreme Court decision concerning Arizona's SB 1070. Tom Hoefling: "I applaud the Court for recognizing that the State of Arizona has a right to expect its law enforcement officers to enforce the law. But I believe the Court erred greatly in its assertion that the other provisions of SB 1070 are unconstitutional, since those provisions simply mirror duly-passed laws enacted by Congress, in exercise of its exclusive Article One, Section 8 power to 'establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.' The platform of America's Party, whose standard I bear in 2012, says: 'The right of self-preservation and self-protection is inherent in all persons, communities and societies...Liberty cannot be protected if the people have been stripped of the physical means of doing so.' It also says: 'We completely oppose any action that surrenders the moral, political or economic sovereignty of the United States and its people, and demand the immediate restoration of that sovereignty wherever it has been eroded. We demand the immediate securing and continuous vigilant maintenance of our sovereign territory and borders. We oppose any private or governmental action that rewards illegal entry into the United States in any way, and demand speedy and full enforcement of our laws concerning all such activities.' I was one of the primary authors of those apt words, and I stand by them. The United States Constitution guarantees each and every State in the Union protection from invasion. Article Four, Section IV 'The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.' The phrase 'the United States' is inclusive of the entire national government, in all of its branches, including the Supreme Court and the Congress. And in this most important regard the Chief Executive, the Commander-in-Chief, bears an especial responsibility. That is why, if elected as president, I will faithfully execute the laws of the United States, protect its people and sovereignty, and act forcefully to secure the States from all external or internal threats. One of my first acts, if elected and sworn into office, will be to issue a presidential finding that the largely open southern border with Mexico constitutes a clear and present danger to the security of the United States. I will then exercise every power and resource available to the Commander-in-Chief to bring about a speedy end to that threat. I stand with Samuel Adams and the Committees of Correspondence in their historic American assertion of the first law of nature. I stand with the People of the United States in their God-given, unalienable, intrinsic, right to protect themselves from all external or internal threats to their safety, security, sovereignty, and liberty. I stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the governors and legislatures of the several States in their rightful expectation that the explicit terms of the Constitution be fulfilled, and that they be protected from invasion by tens of millions of foreign nationals. I stand with the Constitution and the rule of law, and the sacred oath and solemn duty of every officer of government in this country, in every branch, and at every level, to support and defend them." "This is how great republics die" Tom Hoefling "Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths?" -- George Washington The Constitution of the United States, which all officers of government, in every branch, must swear to support, is crystal clear that Congress has the exclusive constitutional grant of power to establish immigration and naturalization standards. Article 1, Section 8: "The Congress shall have Power...To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." Also, the Constitution absolutely requires that the United States protect each of the States from Invasion. Article 4, Section 4: "The United States...shall protect each of them [the States] against Invasion..." Barack Obama's actions this week in, by executive decree, granting certain classes of illegal invaders of our country a de facto amnesty are an obvious usurpation of that exclusive congressional power, AND they are a gross dereliction of one of the primary imperative duties of the Commander-in-Chief. If a president were acting to check a lawless law passed by a lawless Congress; in other words, if he was standing firmly against a Congress or Court that had clearly breached their own constitutional limits; I would support actions by the chief executive to stop them. His oath would require that he do so. But that is obviously not the case here. I applaud the actions of my congressman, Steve King, in launching a court challenge to this illegitimate Obama policy. The third branch of government, the judiciary, should immediately join with the legislative branch to check the executive's lawlessness. However, this is a perfect case to illustrate why Congress was also given the impeachment power. If they cared at all for their own oaths to support the Constitution; if they cared about the survival of the rule of law in this country, if they cared for our territorial integrity and sovereignty, they would immediately impeach this usurper and remove him from office at once. To be frank though, experience tells me that they will not do so. Obama Democrats have no regard for the Constitution or their oaths, and Romney Republicans have no principles or spine. This is how great republics die. ![]() Tom Hoefling Presidential Candidate Tier 1 - Personhood Now Tom Hoefling, founder and chairman of America's Party, is committed to the absolute obligation to protect every innocent human life. Tom Hoefling has been a pro-life advocate for more than 20 years. Active for many years in the Republican Party, Tom left that party in 2008 and founded America's Independent Party, which has since changed its name to America's Party. The party is based on the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Tom has been party chairman since the party's founding.
America's Party: Asserts the self-evident truth that our rights, including the right to life, come from the Creator God and are therefore unalienable.1
"I will shut down every abortion facility in the country" Tom Hoefling has published the following statement at his campaign website9 under the title "I will shut down every abortion facility in the country": "All officers of government in this country, in every branch, at every level, have as the first obligation of their sacred oath the protection of all innocent lives within their jurisdiction. Should I be elected to the office of President of the United States, I will keep my oath. Justice Blackmun, in Roe vs. Wade, admitted that “of course” the child in the womb is protected by the Fourteenth Amendment, if they are a person. Since it is self-evident that they are a person, my first act as President, after having sworn the oath, will be to publish a presidential finding to that effect. My second act will be to ask for the resignation of anyone in the executive branch who will not act accordingly. My third act will be to order the closing of every abortion facility in the country, as per the explicit, imperative requirement of the Supreme Law of the Land. 'No person shall be deprived of life without due process of law.' 'No State shall deprive any person of life without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.'” -- Tom Hoefling Summary: Tom Hoefling, founder and chairman of America's Party, is committed to the absolute obligation to protect every innocent human life. He is a Tier 1 (personhood now) pro-lifer.
The Equal Protection for Posterity Resolution
America's Party Platform (Includes the Resolution) America's Party Leadership Pledge (Includes the Resolution) Tom Hoefling: I Believe (Includes the Resolution) Tom Hoefling for President 2012: Mitt Romney Rejects the Reagan Republican Pro-Life Platform5/20/2012 One of the primary planks of the Republican Platform is the party's commitment to recognizing the Fourteenth Amendment protection of unborn children. In this video clip, Mitt Romney states his opposition to that commitment. Mitt Romney is not a prolife candidate. Vote for life in 2012. Vote for Tom Hoefling. Bob Enyart endorses America's Party presidential nominee Tom Hoefling - Listen to the interview5/9/2012 Bob Enyart Live Don't Throw Away Your Vote: Refusing to throw his vote away, Bob Enyart announced today that he is voting for America's Party presidential candidate Tom Hoefling! ...check out America's Party platform at SelfGovernment.US. Listen to the interview here: |
"Every man, and every body of men on earth, possesses the right of self-government."